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Moananuiākea: Micronesia/Satawal


Check back on this page as the Moananuiākea voyage continues.


Micronesia - Kaʻiwakiloumoku - Kamehameha Schools

Learn more about Micronesia, its people, language and culture.


 Pop Cultures:  People of Micronesia - Guampedia

  In depth reference source on the Micronesia region - geography, population, history, culture, language



Guam Visitors Bureau | GVB - Official Website Chamorro Culture - Guam Visitor's Bureau

  History, heritage sites, food, fiesta, nature, architecture, music/dance/arts, jewelry, language


Encyclopedia Britannica Logo  Guam - Encyclopaedia Britannica

  Must log in with KS username & password


  Guampedia - Encyclopedia of Guam

  Art, Environment, Government, History, Society, Villages of Guam



How The U.S. Territory Of Guam Became An American Colony - Colonial history of Guam

Inside Indigenous Life In A U.S Territory - What it means to be Chamorro


Branding Tool Kit | Logos | University of Guam  University of Guam Digital Collections - Digital Archives and Exhibitions -  A searchable database that gives remote access to collections from the MARC Library, Digitized Thesis Collections, YMLG CHamoru Language Collection, Memoirs Pasifika, and more. 


Seal of Palau - Wikipedia  Who We Are - Republic of Palau


Visit Palau: The Official Tourism Website of Palau  Cultural Highlights, Pristine Paradise Palau - Palau Visitors Authority - Matrilineal society, nature, storytelling, arts, navigation, land ownership


Carving of villagers fighting a serpent, a pile of stones sitting in a fire.

The Palauan Storyboards, from Traditional Architecture to Airport Art - University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology - Tradition art of Palau

Palauan Legends - legends told to teach, admonish and record the past



Living Like a Palauan - Mens meeting house, bead money, Palauan language, and a deep cultural immersive experience into Palau

Palau is an Island Paradise Standing Up to the World - How the island nation of Palau is standing up for itself against the world’s superpowers

Discover the Pristine Paradise of Palau at the New Tourism Forum - – Global Travel News and Updates

Marshall Islands

Caroline Islands


The Caroline Islands, JSTOR - Science journal from 1885 describing the Caroline Islands and its people



Yap Day 2024 - Celebration of Yap, one of four states of the Caroline Islands

Let's Learn Refaluwasch - Carolinian Language

Navigating Cultures: Seafaring Returns to the CNMI - Bringing back sailing traditions

Carolinians Bring Pwo Ceremony to Saipan - Ceremony for navigator "graduation"